JMA CONSULTANTS (THAILAND) は事業戦略、生産性向上、組織/人材開発などのソリューションをお客様に提供します。

JMAC will consulting support entire of our customers' production bases by looking ahead 10 years, from strategic concept to strengthening on-site capabilities.
Factory productivity improvement
Strengthening cost competitiveness
We provide practical consulting such as reduction of man-hours, improvement of indirect work efficiency, reduction of procurement cost, improvement of material yield, inventory, shortening of lead time, etc. without relying only on labor cost reduction.
Quality Control
We launch a practical project based on the QC story and solve each problem in the company one by one. Based on the principle, we will support consulting for activities to solve problems correctly by taking a closer look at Genba (the actual place) and Genbutsu (the actual thing) and Genjitsu (the actual situation).
TP Management (Total Productivity Management)
We support the achievement of strategic objectives comprehensively through a three-layer framework of "strategic goal determination," "target deployment, measures selection," and "activity promotion management."
Solve work problems through 5S activities. Experience good results of efficiency, safety, and quality etc., which will lead to voluntary improvement of on-site capabilities.
New factory construction
Provide support to ensure production system redesign and project management can proceed smoothly in conjunction with the construction of a new factory.
Productivity improvement diagnosis
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)・Equipment maintenance
TPM + Smart maintenance
We will consulting support the improvement of equipment utilization rate, equipment reliability and maintenance efficiency toward the realization of lean manufacturing. Make preventive maintenance possible by utilizing IOT software.
TPM diagnosis
Personnel system reform
Reconstruction support
In Thailand, one of the major issues is the increase labor costs which associated with wages and the aging population. We will review the grade system, evaluation system, remuneration system, and competency development, and support organize the renewal of the system as a whole.
Personnel system diagnosis
Organization / Team development
Cross-cultural adaptation / Work reform
Regardless of expatriate or Thai, improve management skills and problem-solving skills throughout the workplace by visualizing work, feel free to communicating, and innovating management.
Organization / Team strength diagnosis
Operation management and making efficient
BPR / Work improvement
There is an increasing need for improvement in the indirect and administration departments. JMAC consulting supports work reform, work standardization / inheritance, and visualization of business and work status with the aim of realizing high-quality work without waste.
Human resource development training by job-level
Competency skill assessment, rating promotion, and human resource development are trinity measures. In particular, the development of next-generation managers and middle managers is becoming more important. JMAC provides one-stop, client-oriented service.
P course (production engineer training course)

This is a popular traditional course from 1947 (Showa 22), and Shigeo Shingo (*) has also been a lecturer since the 3rd time. The basic skills and skill improvement of manufacturing engineers involved in actual production activities will be acquired.

* Shigeo Shingo; Joined the Japan Management Association in 1945 (Showa 20), as a manufacturing consultant. Introduced the Single Minute Exchange of Die method for the first time in consulting at Toyota Motor Corporation. The Shingo Prize was established by Utah State University in the United States to honor many achievements.
ASEAN Business
ASEAN area
JMAC has established the ASEAN Business Promotion Center to provide consulting services to business that concern about automobiles, precision equipment, machinery, food, chemicals, distribution service, etc. in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc., regardless of whether they are Japanese or local companies.
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